Posts Tagged ‘ sci fi movies ’

Warriors of Metal: The Titans

My imagination runs wild when I think about my book (story/graphic novel/screenplay/…movie?), the first thing I see when I start writing are the Titans that play an important role in the universe of my creation. I’ve tried to explain the function of their mechanical implementations, but my attempts leave individuals shaken and bewildered. They can’t seem to wrap their head around the concept no matter how practical the process is.
To clear confusion the Titans have nothing to do with the Titans of Greek mythology, but do share some minor resemblances. The reason for that was done in complete ignorance, I was matching the number of Titans in my story to the theory of Gyranism that the Eidogirra follow; there are 12 numbers so therefore there are 12 Titans, each one embodying a number. I knew nothing about the Titans until I began High school, which was a few years after their conceptualization.

From the game Section 8; this is the closest I could find that would serve my vision justice.

The Titans essentially are techno-formed people that have been injected with heavy doses of Technite–a fictional substance that has strong reactions with electric current. When the Technite is injected it absorbs into the bones making them more resilient to damage, when adrenaline is pumped through the bloodstream it activates the stored substance and begins to transform the cells around them into an Organic-Technite composite until it reaches the bodies electric energy limit. The limit can be increased by augmentation, but anything higher than a 1,000 watt output can potentially cause an over-accumulation of Technite that can poison the body to fatal levels.
The color of the armor is solely dependent on personal energy and/or a Demicron of Eidogirra origin. The accumulation of Technite outside of the body can wrap around vital areas giving the appearance similar to the picture above, but far different from what any person has laid eyes upon.

That’s the Titans in a nutshell. Warriors with the fate of the Eidogirra’s perseverance in their hands, but their purpose is a lot more than just that. I was (actually..always) afraid to spill information that would spoil the plot of their true origin or other vital plot elements.

If you want to know more about it, you’ll have to wait for…

Battle of the Celestial Bodies: Game Review

As I took a look through my friend’s iPod, planning to waste the rest of my night playing Minecraft something in the bottom of the screen caught my eye. It was mostly because the icon reminded me of the JFO Helmet permutation in Halo Reach and at that time I thought that was the only resemblance the game had, but as soon as I began the first wave I was immediately struck with the old memories of my 5-hour run-ins with The Covenant.

The game starts you out as a Prototype-02 solder, trying to defend your isolated base from an alien invasion that seems to have broke free from the Starship Troopers dimension. The control scheme I feel is superior to other shooters out in the iOS platform; on-screen dual-joysticks allow fluid control of the character’s movement, but the camera control has it’s flaws. Many times I’ll be shooting a horde of plant-like creatures and all of a sudden something attacks me from behind, the lack of possessing the ability to move and shoot and look around at the same time really digs deep. However, In my opinion this adds a level of challenge to the game.

I may not be Master Chief, but I can kick some boo-tay.

During your attempts in killing the aliens that come your way they provide pick-ups that give you a credit bonus or extra ammo for which ever weapon you deploy with. Speaking of ammo, in more challenging areas the count will drop to dangerous level and in the heat of the moment you won’t be paying attention to the ammo, you’ll be more worried about saving your butt. (Irony alert!) When you do run out there’s no turning back and restarting the level is the only life-saver.

Stop shooting and take a screen-shot, perfect idea.

The customization Star Warfare includes is also a feature that makes this one of the best shooting games available on iOS, allowing you to choose between 9 different suit packages. (Technically only 8, but one can be bought with real money for .99 cents.)
The packages consists of helmets, gauntlets, body pieces, boots, and miscellaneous equipment that attaches to the back of the suit; resulting in 100+ different combinations including weapon choices. Each of these can be upgraded 8 times, maximizing firepower to a point that would make Rambo jealous. Most of the items can be purchased with in-game credits, but some top-notch equipment requires purchases with Gems.
These “Gems” are apparently dropped by bosses or by other extraterrestrials within rare circumstances. I haven’t had the opportunity to collect any of these yet so they are indeed a desired commodity, of course a bundle of them can be purchased with real world money. (Yes, yes–we get it now.)

Where have I seen these before...?

If you’re bored out of your mind, have 50mb of data unoccupied, and/or willing to put a dollar to good use I suggest getting Star Warfare. Believe it or not I could call this the “Mobile Halo” and feel good about it. I might just think twice about giving the iPod back…

Gathering The Magic

A whole Multiverse of trouble.

If someone were to ask what the best card game that ever existed would be I would respond with a grin and say boldly “Magic the Gathering”. For those of you who have never heard of it (or have and simply paid no attention to it), Magic the Gathering is a card game consisting of 2 to 10+ players (depending on how intense of a game you want); each player represents a “Planeswalker” or a being who possesses extraordinary magical powers allotting them to deploy spells, artifacts, and (sometimes) dangerous creatures depicted on their own individual cards. Like many other strategic card games each player has a deck with a minimal amount of 60 cards, while it’s possible to create a larger deck with no maximum size it is frowned upon (and from my experiences it’s not exactly the greatest idea in the book). There are a variety of different deck types with different strategies for each one: Beatdown, Burn, Aggro, Goblin, Combo, and Control are some of the many available to create and customize to your heart’s content. The cards follow 5 basic colors or “Mana Types” (White, Blue, Black, Red, and Green).
Every deck of mine has had some kind of Graveyard play, either from sacrificing creatures and zombies to pump my other weaker creatures then bring them back or overwhelm my opponent with a horde of zombie tokens. (I love me some Zombies). Mana is the primary resource for playing spells typically drawn from lands, but it can also be generated by non-land permanents and spells as well. I have a feeling that if I continue to explain the rules of the game and it’s gameplay mechanics this would probably be the longest blog post in modern history, so I decided to provide a handy little link to quench your curiosity (

The massive amount of cards makes every game different and I predict that I will be at an old age and still be playing at the nearest Magic distribution center. As big as it may be there are many who believe that the game is stupid and appeals only to immature teenagers and 50 year-old virgins who fail to escape from their grandmother’s basement, I must assure you that not only is it fun and a great social tool, but also exercises your brain and increases your mental health. 😀
May sound like I’m releasing hot air (…or foreign characters–for you more technical beings), but it’s true. The game can be played by all ages…except maybe those who are younger than 16 or so only because of the artwork that some display, which could cause some uneasy feelings in parents.

My love for the game is more than just playing it, each and every card and character released has a story to it that connects it to the main plot line Magic the Gathering centralizes on.

*Pop quiz: which came first, the story or the cards?

You would be surprised what the answer is if you knew nothing about it. I was amazed too and it doesn’t seem plausible that all these cards originated from one massive story. Of course many cards were created to fit into it and therefore expanding the story even farther and deeper into it’s mythology, there’s no other game like it (BUT still not better than Halo, sorry folks.) and that’s why I am loyal to the game regardless of others opinions. More hours and dollar bills have gone into Magic than I can count, honestly I’ve seen pay checks quite literally transmogrify into these cardboard objects in order to satisfy my cravings and obsessive desires to become the very best (“…that no one ever was–to catch them is my request…”).
For now my Magic antics has subsided at the moment, I miss attending  tournaments every other Friday, but casual play here and there keeps me from collecting dust. Working does a terrible number on your priorities and the welcome into adulthood was anything from warm. (I think I can hear one of my fathers proverbs echoing in my skull.)
The Magic community I feel might one day gain the attention of the movie business which could mean Hollywood could someday redeem itself from their past spin-off failures if they did a good enough job, the problem with that is the exact plot of the film. It sounds completely ludicrous to make a movie based on a card game, but it wouldn’t be any different than making one based on a board game. (*cough* Battlefield *cough* Monopoly *cough*) The other problem would be to which storyline the plot would follow. Let’s say I were to do the movie I would graciously base it on Innistrad and the story surrounding the Planeswalker Sorin Markov and the rise of Avacyn the angel.
To avoid spoilers I will stop there.
I wouldn’t mind however if the possible plot would be all the Planeswalkers in the Multiverse joining forces to destroy the dragon Nicol Bolas who threatens to destroy their planes..or something more epic if they prefer. (In a diabolical scheme I would make J.J. Abrams learn everything about Magic the Gathering, train him in the art of the game, and convince him to begin production on the film.) Haters gonna’ hate.

I suggest to any curious fellow who has the chance to pick up a cheap deck or observe a tournament needs to do so, I’ve had loads of fun playing the game and it’s quite easy to learn, but years to master. Who knows…you might even make a living out of it. (<this guy tried to)

The Artist–The new face of movies

“Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out.”
-Martin Scorsese

Last night at the Academy Awards “The Artist” directed by Michel Hazanavicius won the award for Best Picture. To be honest I expected Hugo to be the winner; Martin Scorsese did a wonderful job with his adaptation of the novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret and including the many other awards the movie has received the ultimate winner left me a bit bewildered.
Far from shocked however. The Artist is unlike any movie of our time, if I were a director I never would have thought about creating a movie in pure black and white and silent; I see a big risk in doing so which could be the reason in why no one though of doing it in this period of time, but thank the French for having the balls to bring something fresh to the screens.–and succeed. After the show I felt as if this finally brought the style of movies to a full round, something special happens when you bring the past into the future, but is this how things are going to be for now on?

I imagine a Charley Chaplin movie in the works since The Three Stooges are emerging back onto view and only time will tell if I’m actually correct. There’s nothing particularly wrong with old style movies becoming the new trend, but I would rather prefer seeing modern sci-fi movies taking the throne of Best Picture or at least winning an Oscar…
Nevertheless I suggest to everyone to watch this great movie that has now embedded itself into our history.