Posts Tagged ‘ blogging ’

30 Day Challenge: Day 15

My Zodiac/Horoscope and If I Think It Fits My Personality.

I am a Libra and over the years I have labeled myself as just that. I wasn’t always that way, it never appealed to me in the past, but now that I am grown up with responsibilities and other “grown-up stuff” the Horoscopes that I’ve seen actually have some amount of reality to them. Not always, but enough that I could sit down at the end of the day and ponder the nature of these astrological readings.

This can be found in my previous post Astrological Pseudoscience where it talks about my sign and the resemblances pertaining to it. When it comes to my personality, let’s just say that I could be the spokesperson for the Libra Nation. Most of those who know me and read this will definitely be able to tell that sometimes all of it isn’t just baloney.

Libra in a Nutshell:

Libras are the diplomat of the zodiac. They are able to put themselves in other’s shoes and see things through another person’s point of view. They are the ones that always want to make things right and have balance and harmony in their life, their surroundings and the lives of the people close to them. They have captivating charm, elegant taste and they are easy to like due to their eager-to-please, easygoing nature. In return for a Libra’s amazing ability to be a good listener, sooth and calm people, they expect admiration. Libras will gather a group of people, everyone will become friends then the Libra will be in the center of the group. They like the attention and the admiration for the people that they have brought together. Libras are very intelligent, they often hide this inside their easygoing exterior. They express their intelligence through creativity, most are involved in some sort of artistic or creative pursuit. Many people overlook just how intelligent a Libra actually is. When others see a Libras wide range of interests and hobbies, their intelligence and creativity is more then obvious. Libras love variety and different situations. They welcome change. Libras love luxury. They will spend lots of money and surround themselves with beautiful things and they seem to be constantly fussing over their appearance. They love anything upscale and classy. Libras work hard to please others, this they do an others find them incredibly captivating.

30 Day Challenge: Day 14

Day Fourteen: What I Wore Today.

Well let’s see here…a subject like this would be short from the very beginning, due to the fact that the only thing I have worn since my awakening is black plaid pajamas and a purple team shirt from my previous occupation.

On the list for the rest of the day seems to be dark jeans, a blue dress shirt, a black textured vest, and a black tie. It is classy-flashy Friday, why not go all out?

30 Day Challenge: Day 12

Day Twelve: Five Guys Whom I Find Attractive.

Sorry folks, but I am Heterosexual, therefore my realm of attraction lies in those with a genetic sprouting from a X chromosome. So here are Five Girls Whom I Find Attractive.

  1. Zooey Deschanel – Every time I see her in a movie I have to strategically turn myself a few degrees from whoever is in the room.
  2. Scarlett Johansson – The Avengers. Need I say more?
  3. Lily Collins – Standing ovation to Phill.
  4. Emma Stone – You knew there was a 99% chance she would be on this list
  5. Some Girl I Fail to Remember at the Moment– And I won’t try to guess…

30 Day Challenge: Day 10

Im a 1/3 of the way there already and now I can show the world my taste of music by Putting My Music Player/iPod on Shuffle and Writing Down the First 10 Songs That Play.

  1. Sofi Needs a Ladder – Deadmau5
  2. Blue Orchid – The White Stripes
  3. Amaryllis – Shinedown
  4. Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown On a Bad Bet – Fall Out Boy
  5. Glad You Came – The Wanted
  6. Break – Three Days Grace
  7. Paradise – Coldplay
  8. Bangarang– Skrillex
  9. You’re Going Down – Sick Puppies
  10. Her Diamonds – Rob Thomas

30 Day Challenge: Day 9

For Day nine I must give my output on How Important I Think Education Is.

Education is a outdated process. Face it, the world is changing, people are changing any we need a new way to teach our next generations. A way in which they will be able to retain information when most needed either in real life problems (Algebra is in this list of the unneeded…) or in the chosen career field that is most favorable to an individual. Perhaps some program presented early in childhood to help discover the talents and level of intelligence then giving a completely customized educational training to fulfill that chosen path.
I don’t know if I have the proper ground to stand on since I never paid attention in school (Note that I was mostly a trouble maker too.), I always felt like I didn’t belong and what I was learning was far from what I was interested in. Math fried my brain and english restricted my creative expressiveness in writing (However for humanity’s sake proper grammar is always a necessity). I wanted more science, more particle and astrological physics, but I would have to wait for college for those subjects to even surface.

My point: Education is very important, but change is needed to teach effectively and certain ways are not helping retain the most important information to progress further in this life and in our careers.