Posts Tagged ‘ followers ’

Ask and I Shall Post

I will be updating the site with a new page titled “The Man Behind The Blog”, a short biography of what makes me who I am as a Blogger/Writer. Even though I can be completely content with managing it all by myself, I feel that haven’t taken the time to ask my fellow bloggers and followers what they have in mind.

So I ask all of the WordPress community: what would you like to know about me?
It can be anything–anything at all whether it’s random, personal, or just plain unusual.

“What is your favorite morning cereal?”
“What would you like to do on the last day of your life?”
“Why was there a turkey in your room today?”

You can ask what ever your curiosity fancies at the moment.

Everything will be confidential…to some extent.

Send me an Email or Follow me on Twitter: @ Twitter